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Please complete a FRN registration before visiting a test session and you will need the FRN number at the session.

Dear VEC and COLEM Community Members,

On December 20, 2018, the FCC held an online presentation which discussed the upcoming Commission Registration System (CORES) changes, and its effect on new radio operator applicants. To briefly touch on the information presented, in the near future the CORES system will be enhanced to require new FCC Registrants to establish an FCC account containing an FCC Username (a valid e-mail address), which will be linked to their FRN. FCC customers can link multiple FRN's to a single Username.

The FCC Electronic Batch File (EBF) auto-registration process cannot create an FCC account linking an FRN to a Username. We are therefore encouraging that applicants obtain their FRN before submitting their application to the VEC's and COLEMs. VEC's and COLEM's should submit FRN's, instead of TIN's in their batch files whenever possible.

To prepare for the changes in registration systems, we would like to encourage VEC and COLEM community members begin reaching out to applicants about the upcoming changes, as well as the preparations they will need to make before or after taking the exam. These preparations include the creation of an FCC user profile and FRN. While we understand the difficulty in identifying those preparing for their initial exam, there is information posted on fcc.gov/rofrn http://fcc.gov/rofrn, informing potential applicants about the need to register an FCC profile and FRN, before taking an exam. Also on the webpage, is a step-by-step video, which instructs new applicants on how to use the "new" CORES system to register an FCC profile and FRN.

You can also view, link and share the instructional video from YouTube.

Please complete a FRN registration before visiting a test session and you will need the FRN number at the session.

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